
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open for the community. Scroll down for more information. Please call us if you have any questions or to arrange a tour.

March & April 2025 Calendar:

  • Monday, March 24th: Pizza Lunch with the Teachers Fundraiser 12:00 - 1:00 pm

  • Tuesday, March 25th: Spring Enrichment Begins

  • Tuesday, March 25th: Donuts with Dad, Class 2 T/Th and Class 4A, 9:00 - 10:00 am

  • Wednesday, March 26th: Donuts with Dad, Class 2 MWF and Class 4B, 9:00 - 10:00 am

  • Thursday, March 27th: Donuts with Dad, Class 3, 9:00 - 10:00 am

  • School Closed Monday, March 31st: Eid al-Fitr

  • School Closed Monday, April 14th through Monday, April 21st: SPRING BREAK

  • School will reopen on Tuesday, April 21st

  • Monday, April 28th: Parent Teacher Conferences (afternoon/optional)

Our Philosophy

Scarborough Presbyterian Children’s Center is a developmental pre-school.  It is our belief that children grow and learn when they are free to observe, explore, and actively engage in activities at their own developmental levels and pace.  We recognize that children learn through play. Our program provides a warm nurturing environment in which children can thrive. Each child is treated as an individual, respecting their needs, learning styles and personalities.  Our child oriented environment addresses the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical needs of young children. We encourage children’s natural curiosity and foster a healthy respect for themselves, for others and for their surroundings.  The teaching staff carefully plans for a variety of activities and learning experiences that reflect children’s particular interests and needs. The “learning areas” in the classrooms focus upon sand and water exploration, language arts, cooking, art media, music, block play, dramatic play, puzzles and other manipulatives.  At SPCC we encourage a close relationship between parents and staff and have an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit and participate both informally and on special occasions. We look forward to working together with parents to provide the best preschool experience for their children.

Educational Goals

We are committed to helping children develop their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual capacities and to provide opportunities for success in this growth process.  We offer young children a hands-on learning experience to stimulate creativity, learn cooperation and develop new skills. Our thematic curriculum units center on students’ needs and will include discovery in art, music, drama, and literature.  In addition, age appropriate readiness activities in reading, math, and science are offered. A combination of free-play time and group activities and discussions allow the children to practice the social readiness skills necessary to begin Kindergarten with a positive self-image.  Our free-play time allows children the opportunity to explore various learning centers including – art, drawing, writing, literature, fine motor manipulatives, blocks, dramatic play, and sensory play. Our group activities include experiences in discussions, problem solving, music, literature, drama, and gross motor games.  Outdoor play is offered daily, weather permitting. Snack is provided daily by the school. At SPCC our inter-faith curriculum is designed to expose the children to a variety of cultural traditions and beliefs in an effort to create acceptance of diversity.


SPCC offers young children ages one through five developmentally appropriate programs to encourage social skills, enhance self-esteem and gain self-confidence.  Through interaction with peers, teachers and resource people, the children develop an understanding of their own feelings and those of others in a happy, loving and secure environment.

We believe that early childhood can be a time of great wonder and joy.  Our program respects the uniqueness of each child and their family and works together with all our families to provide children with a preschool experience that fosters a lifelong love of learning; while allowing children to play, learn and grow at their own pace.



Staff 2024

The school is administered by Program Director Katya Montelbano.  A head teacher and a teacher assistant are assigned to each classroom.  Our head teachers are required to hold degrees in education or related fields.


The SPCC offers classes for:

  • 2 Year Olds - 2 yrs. old as of December 1st, 2025.

  • 3 Year Olds - 3 yrs. old as of December 1st, 2025.

  • 4 Year Olds - 4yrs. old as of December 1st, 2025.

Morning Classes are held Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Full Day 3’s & 4’s Classes are held Monday morning 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There are no afternoon classes on Mondays.


Typical Daily Schedule

Morning Classes

Sample Schedule, times will vary by class.

  • 9:00-10:20 Arrival / Greetings / Free Play / Learning Centers / Art / Cooking / Science Project

  • 10:20-10:30 Clean-Up

  • 10:30-10:45 Circle Time: Songs, Musical Instruments, Calendar, Weather Chart, Classroom jobs, Discussions, Dictation, Graphs, and Games

  • 10:45-11:00 Wash Hands / Snack / Quiet Reading

  • 11:00-11:30 Playground / Big Room

  • 11:30-11:55 Circle Time: Story / Discussions / Group Games

  • 11:55-12:00 Dismissal

Full-Day Pre-K Class - 3’s & 4’s (Sample schedule, times vary by class)

  • 12:00 – 12:45 LunchBunch / Gross Motor play (Big Room)

  • 12:45 – 1:00 Rest period – Quiet reading (Big Room)

In Classroom

  • 1:00 – 1:30 Afternoon Circle Time – Discussion / Afternoon Academic Topic, Story

  • 1:30 – 2:10 Afternoon Academic Topic Project and Free Play in the Classroom

  • 2:10 – 2:15 Clean – up Classroom / wash hands

  • 2:15 – 2:30 Snack

  • 2:30 -3:00 Outdoor or Indoor Large Motor activity

  • 3:00 Dismissal

Sample Classroom Topics:

Tuesday afternoon project – Science
Wednesday afternoon project – Social Studies / Artist Study
Thursday afternoon project – Cooking or Literacy
Friday afternoon project – Math

3’s and 4’s Classes – LunchBunch & Afternoon Enrichment (Sample Schedule, times vary by class)

  • 12:00 – 12:45 LunchBunch / Gross Motor play

  • 12:45 – 1:00 Rest time – Quiet reading

  • 1:00 – 1:45 Enrichment Topic

  • 1:45 – 2:10 Free Play in the Classroom

  • 2:10 – 2:15 Clean – up Classroom / wash hands

  • 2:15 – 2:30 Snack / Story time

  • 2:30 -3:00 Outdoor or Indoor Large Motor activity

  • 3:00 Dismissal

2’s Classes – LunchBunch & Afternoon Enrichment

  • 12:00 – 1:00 LunchBunch and free play in the classroom or outdoor or indoor large motor activity

  • 1:00 – 1:30 Enrichment Topic

  • 1:30 Dismissal

Classes We Offer:


Placement in our programs will be made using educational standards that incorporate birth date and an attempt to keep a fairly even number of boys and girls in each class.  We will try to honor your registration preferences. However, the Director reserves the right to place a child in the most appropriate class.  SPCC reserves the right to cancel a program without adequate enrollment.


Classes meet either:

  • Tuesday & Thursday mornings

  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings

  • Monday through Friday mornings

Children may attend this program for two years if Kindergarten entrance is postponed.


Classes meet either:

  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings (3 mornings)

  • Monday through Thursday mornings (4 mornings)

  • Monday through Friday mornings (5 mornings)

  • 4 full days (1/2 day on Monday, Tues-Fri. full day)

  • 3 full days (1/2 day on Monday & Friday, T/W/Th full day)

  • 2 full days ( 1/2 day on M/W/F, Tues/Thurs. full day)

 Children may attend this program for two years if Kindergarten entrance is postponed.


Classes meet either:

  • Monday through Friday mornings.

  • 4 full days (1/2 day on Monday, Tues-Fri. full day)

  • 3 full days (1/2 day on Monday & Friday, T/W/Th full day)

 Children may attend this program for two years if Kindergarten entrance is postponed.

LUNCHBUNCH  FOR 2 YR. OLDS – Extended Day (12:00 - 1:00 pm)

LunchBunch for 2 year olds extends your child’s day by one half hour. This is a wonderful way to build your child’s social skills. Children enjoy the social aspect of eating lunch together with their friends.  Classes will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.

3’s – 4’s LUNCHBUNCH – Extended Day (12:00 - 1:00 pm)

This program is an added extension to your child’s regular school day and is a wonderful way to build your child’s social skills through the everyday experiences of sharing, taking turns, listening to each other and conversing. Children enjoy the social aspect of eating lunch together with their friends, playing some games or listening to a story. Lunch Bunch meets Tuesday through Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. LunchBunch payments are payable in advance, prior to the start of the semester. Parents can enroll in any number of days (Tuesday-Friday). The school year is broken up into 3 LunchBunch semesters – Fall, Winter, Spring.

2’s ENRICHMENT (12:00 – 1:30 pm)

2’s LunchBunch & Afternoon Enrichment class extends your child’s day by 1 ½ hours with pick up at 1:30 pm. Enrichment class emphasizes a specific topic each day (Tuesday through Friday).  This class is perfect for 2’s that take a late afternoon nap, or for the child that doesn’t nap. The class consists of circle time, story, the Enrichment topic and free play.

3’s -4’s ENRICHMENT (12:00– 3:00 pm)

LunchBunch is included in the Enrichment fee.  Children share lunch, games and a story before beginning the Enrichment Class. Afternoon Enrichment class (Tuesday through Friday) includes a block of time for the Enrichment topic, free play, story, arts & crafts, snack, and large motor play.  

Enrichment programs may include Science & Math, Cooking, Music & Movement, Yoga and other specific early childhood topics.  There are three Enrichment Sessions – Fall (Sept – Dec.), Winter (Jan – March) and Spring (March – May). Children can attend one, two, three or four afternoon classes.  



Our seven-week camp program is organized for children 18 months to 5 years old. We provide a friendly, child-centered environment where children can be active in the fresh air, participate in water play, and enjoy the warm summer days. A child can attend one week, several weeks, or all seven weeks.  The teachers follow weekly themes for camp and create special days to enrich the curriculum. Each camp classroom has at least two teachers.

Summer Camp information will be available in late February, 2025. Summer camp registration will open up to the community on March 2025. Please call us or email us for information.

EARLY DROP-OFF – Daily from 8:30 to 9:00 am

The SPCC early drop-off program offers families an 8:30 a.m. drop-off. The children will meet in one of the classrooms and then be walked to their classrooms at 9:00 a.m.  Space is limited to 10 children per day and the fee is $15 per day. The Early Drop-Off form must be completed with dates you are interested in, each semester (Fall/Winter/Spring).

Special Programs

Music Classes:

Each week the children will enjoy a 30 minute music class with our Music Specialist. The children will enjoy music and movement activities, finger plays and songs together.

Gym Classes:

Each week the children will enjoy a 30 minute movement & pre-gymnastics class with our Exercise Specialist from “Gym on Wheels”. The class begins with some group stretching & movement activities to music. The children then work on a specific skill and the classes ends with a cool-down game.

Community Helpers

Throughout the school year we have special visits by community helpers to inform and enhance the children’s nursery school experience.  Community helpers that may visit include: a dentist, an arborist and the Briarcliff Manor fire department.


If you have any questions regarding Registration for the 2025-2026 school year, or to set up an appointment for a tour, please call 914-941-0025 or email us at spchildrenscenter@yahoo.com.

Return the completed application with a $100.00 non-refundable application fee as soon as possible. Current students, their siblings, alumni families and SPC church members have priority until January 2, 2025. Registration for Community members begins January 2, 2025. Once applications are received and processed, contracts will be mailed out. Contracts are due back with the deposit by March 31st. This deposit is non-refundable.

When you enroll your child at SPCC, you are not guaranteed a specific classroom or teacher.  Once all spaces are filled, the staff works together to create a balanced class of children. We look at ages, gender, personalities and try to find a “good mix” that will maximize the learning environment.  We are not always able to accommodate parent’s first choice because we must look at what’s best for the children, the class and the school as a whole.

Enrollment Policy

Application for enrollment will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, and national origin. No child shall be excluded because of a handicapping condition, provided the program can meet these needs without causing an undue hardship on the other children or the program. A meeting with the child and parent is required prior to enrollment. Children are placed in an appropriate group based on age, ability, and previous experience.

TUITION RATES  2025-2026


(T-TH a.m.) 2 mornings: Annual tuition $4,700

$800.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $780.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January                     

(M/W/F a.m.)    3 mornings: Annual tuition $6,100

$1,100.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,000.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(M-F a.m.) 5 mornings: Annual tuition $9,800

$1,700.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,620.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January


(M/W/F a.m.)    3 mornings: Annual tuition $6,100

$1,100.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,000.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(M-Th a.m.) 4 mornings: Annual tuition $7,600   

$1,300.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,260.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(M-F a.m.) 5 mornings: Annual tuition $9,500    

$1,600.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,580.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(5 morn./4 aft.) Monday morning & 4 full days T-F: Annual tuition $16,000        

$2,700.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $2,660.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(5 morn./3 aft.) Mon. & Fri. mornings & 3 full days Tue/Wed/Thur. only: Annual tuition $14,000     

$2,500.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $2,300.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

 (5 morn./2 aft.) Mon/Wed/Fri. mornings &  2 full days Tues. & Thurs. only: Annual tuition $12,000      

$2,000.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $2,000.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January                       


(M-F a.m.) 5 mornings: Annual tuition $9,500

$1,600.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $1,580.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(5 morn./4 aft.) Monday morning & 4 full days T-F: Annual tuition $16,000     

$2,700.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $2,660.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

(5 morn./3 aft.) Mon. & Fri. mornings & 3 full days Tues/Wed/Thurs. only: Annual tuition $14,000      

$2,500.00 deposit (non-refundable) due by March 31st
5 payments of $2,300.00 due the 15th of May, July,
September, November & January

* Monthly payment plans are available. In case of hardship, alternate payment plans may be arranged.

There is a $100.00 non-refundable Registration fee. – This fee holds your child’s spot. The registration process is complete upon receipt of your signed contract and your tuition deposit.


A limited number of scholarships are available. Applications are due at the time of registration and are kept strictly confidential. If you are interested in the Scholarship Program, please ask for scholarship application with the registration application forms.

Contact us for more information, or to set up an appointment to visit, please call:  

Katya Montelbano, Program Director at 914-941-0025, email: spchildrenscenter@yahoo.com