Hudson River Presbytery

The Scarborough Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA, which is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States.  The roots of the Presbyterian Church go back to the Reformation. It was an outgrowth of the Reformed Movement inspired by John Calvin.

More locally, the Scarborough Presbyterian Church is a member of the Hudson River Presbytery, which is “spread out across 8 counties and 82 congregations, with more than 13,500 members. Hudson River Presbytery is a community of passionate people. Our many perspectives can challenge us, but our common commitment to the Gospel binds us, and invigorates our lives together. It takes all of us in all of our diversity, and with all of our passions to offer a glimpse of God's Kingdom here on earth. So, bring all that you are, and all that you have, and let's join in this journey together.”

The Hudson River Presbytery acts as the corporate bishop overseeing these 82 congregations.  Voting members of the presbytery are made up of ministers and church members designated and elected to govern as elders. All decision are voted on.  There is no one central power that dictates to each church.